What's Wrong With This Picture (Team Training Exercise)
Supplement for paying subscribers
Training Activity
Suitable for:
Front-line workers in food service and food handling operations.
Food safety team members.
Food safety learners.
Get team members thinking about food safety.
Team members engage in an informal risk assessment process.
Team members learn about the principles of hygienic design, colour coding and hand hygiene.
Show the image of a person slicing bacon (above) to the team.
Ask team members to identify as many food safety problems, errors or potential audit non-conformities as they can. Provide context, for example, “This operation is occurring in a supermarket/grocery store deli area”.
The exercise can be written or verbal, and be used as a competition or just for discussion.
After team members have viewed the photograph and submitted answers, the trainer or team leader leads a discussion on each identified non-conformity and facilitates an informal risk assessment for items which are not black and wh…