Food Safety Culture: Fresh Tips and Ideas
Supplement for paying subscribers
This supplement follows Issue 161’s post about the origins of food safety culture as an explicit requirement in food safety management system standards.
If you’re new to food safety culture requirements and systems, I recommend you start by viewing our training session from 2023 which explains the basic principles of food safety culture and its role within food safety management systems.
If you’ve been working with formal food safety culture systems for a while now and are looking for fresh perspectives, this post is for you.
Table of Contents
What does ‘good’ look like in food safety culture?
Measuring and monitoring food safety culture
Tips for food safety culture surveys
Sample surveys and questionnaires
What to do with survey answers
Tips for changing food safety behaviours
Ideas for rewarding good food safety behaviours
Mechanism for food safety incident reporting
Tips for getting senior management buy-in
What to do if your company already has a ‘good’ culture
What does good look like?
In a good food safety culture, everyone is doing the right thing: top management, middle management, workers, service providers, visitors, everyone! Everyone can speak up if they see something that is not right. And everyone is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.