The Rotten Apple
The Rotten Apple Food Safety Podcast
Issue 139 (Audio Version)

Issue 139 (Audio Version)


The Rotten Apple is an inside view of food safety, food fraud and supply chains for professionals, policy-makers and purveyors. Subscribe for weekly insights, latest news and emerging trends.

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🍏 In this episode 🍏

  • Mistake proofing in food systems;

  • Tara flour declared ‘unapproved’, but not ‘unsafe’ by the US FDA 🤔;

  • Why one man put lettuce down his pants;

  • A very brief history of gravlax;

  • The best crab joke in the universe.

🍏 For a transcript and links to all sources, see Issue 139 🍏

The Rotten Apple
The Rotten Apple Food Safety Podcast
🍏 Food Safety 🍏 Food Fraud 🍏 Supply Chains 🍏 Fifteen minute, not-boring weekly updates by a food science nerd 🍏